A Dress the Color of the Moon
Fiction, Contemporary, Women
Publish Date
October 30, 2021
Short Description
Prudence Aldrich is a sex addict. Five weeks ago, she checked into the Serenity Hills rehab center to prevent that addiction from ruining every important relationship in her life. Now Prue must face the trail of destruction she left behind, including mending the broken bond with her teenage son, finalizing the divorce from her husband, Nick, and using a newly learned set of skills to ward off her insatiable cravings for male attention-a compulsion that puts her friendship with lifelong pal Lily to the test.
Adding ever further complications to the hurdles in her path is the arrival into town of Alistair Prescott, her in-rehab romantic obsession, and the one person in the world most capable of throwing Prue off her recovery. Meanwhile, Serenity Hills counselor Mike Sullivan is undergoing a crisis of his own-one that will drive him to the rediscovery of a lifelong passion . . . and causing him to cross paths again with Prue, his former patient.
A Dress the Color of the Moon tracks the rocky and sometimes disastrous path to recovery-a recovery that will require Prudence and her friends to face down the demons of their pasts while learning to accept the fearful uncertainty that comes with living life on your own two feet.
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Book's Awards
A Dress the Color of the Moon by Jennifer Irwin is an expression of how painful humanity can be, delving deep into how experiences can shape a person, it is deep, rich and utterly mesmerizing. A Dress the Color of the Moon is not to be missed and a completely gripping, must read story!! It is the amazing sequel to the multi-award winning A Dress the Color of the Sky.
As the genre selection is biographical fiction, I think it is safe to say this is the author’s story, whether it is all strictly true or mixed with fiction is irrelevant, as either fully autographical or fully fictional – this is an incredible must read story! I was hooked from beginning to end. There is so much to love about this author’s writing it’s hard to know where to begin. The impact of abuse on our personalities is deeper than we could ever imagine or understand. And, author Jennifer Irwin has such extraordinary insight into this profound and deep effect, and her way with words and ability to express herself paints readers a complete picture that is startling, moving and deeply meaningful. Prudence Aldrich is a sex addict, her life is crashing and she needs to change before it is too late, so she books herself into Serenity Hills for five weeks of rehab. Hopefully, they will give her the tools to make better choices. Currently, three men dominate her thoughts. Her soon to be ex-husband Nick, her new therapist the handsome and charming Mike, and another patient, rich, sure of himself, coke addict Alistair. Prue must learn to replace sexting with prayer and meditation, and to try and move away from that inner turmoil of living with shame and guilt. Can she find the happiness she so longs for? And will she finally be able to love herself?
Jennifer Irwin is an articulate author who dives straight to the point, opening up and uncovering the abuse, emotions and memories that her characters might prefer to keep hidden. Each person in the book is fully human, believable and sincere. The author spins their interesting lives with detail and respect. Unbelievably moving, captivating and memorable this novel comes highly recommended by Chick Lit Café. Buy A Dress the Color of the Moon by Jennifer Irwin today to experience the resilience and strength of the human spirit!