Book 1

Spirituality 101
Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going?
We all have asked ourselves these questions, but few have sought the answers that truly make sense. Dr. Iván Figueroa-Otero not only dares to answer them, but humbly presents a guide to understanding these and other questions about our spiritual nature, while closing the apparent gap between the religious and scientific vision with an eclectic and original delivery.
"I invite you to explore your soul in the infinite dimensional spirals of knowledge of the School of Life. I hope that the fruits of my failings help you to surpass your exams with fewer burdens and more joy."
Book 2

Spirituality 1.2 For The Disconnected From The School Of Life
¿Can our spirituality be explained through the use of technology? In his first book, Spirituality 101, Dr. Iván Figueroa-Otero presents a guide to self-understanding while closing the apparent gap between the religious and scientific vision with an eclectic and original delivery. This version (1.2) is a deliciously funny, tongue-in-cheek update, where every concept, idea, image and advice is carefully defined with technological elements like virtual domains, bits, and RAM. Here, the questions, Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? the human race has been studying for centuries are explained in a way accessible to anyone with a smartphone or a computer. “Imagine our Universe as a big computer, where the quality of its computation is directly proportional to the quality of the input data. And where every programming error is reversible and re-programmable, with a little bit of patience!”
Book 3

SPIRITUALITY 103, The Forgiveness Code
A battle between the Light of your knowledge, and the Shadows of your ignorance, is happening as you read this cover. Your Warrior of Light is receiving wounds that cause your life's suffering.Do you want to give your internal warrior the best weapons to reach victory?In this book, the third in the School of Life trilogy, Dr. Figueroa-Otero helps us discover our mind's Magical Mirror, where this epic battle determines where we are in the road to return to our Light Source. You will learn about your Spiritual DNA, emotions, and where to find the healing code for our emotional scars: Forgiveness.
Book 4
Book 5
Book 6
Book 7
Book 8
Book 9
Book 10
Book 11
Book 12
Book 13
Book 14
Book 15
Book 16
Book 17
Book 18
Book 19
Book 20
Ivan Figueroa Otero MD

Iván Figueroa Otero M.D. FACS, FAAMA
A vibrant 77-year young retired academic Pediatric Surgeon, who instead of hanging up his
gloves, decided to take new challenges to keep his mind trained by starting to practice holistic
medical care and Chinese style acupuncture, based on his holographic view of disease and to
write self-help and spirituality books at 70 years. He decided to share his spiritual journey in a series of book trilogies he designed to help others pass their final exam in what he calls the school of life. From his own experience and from his eclectic learning from most religious
traditions, he has developed a self-learning curriculum, that allows “students” to set their own
learning pace without copying from each other’s exams. He enjoys blending science and spirituality in a harmonic dance that needs the cooperation of both to step into the rhythm of life.
After his success in sharing his message in his bestselling first trilogy, he has just finished his
Spirituality 104, as a transition book to the next trilogy, so that it serves a review to his followers and an introduction to those that want to join his classes. Some future glimpses of his
tittles are, Spirituality 201: Healing the Cancer in our Genes, Subtitle: by Reversing the Epigenetic Sins of our Ancestors, Spirituality 202: Discovering the Inner Healer: A Self-Healing Manual for Therapists and Spirituality 203: Universe in its Great Perfection: Observing Life As It
Is and Not As We Would Like to See It. To keep up to date with my journey go to
https://www.ivanfigueroaoteromd.com/ or contact me at ifiguero@prtc.net