Eleanor Dixon
About The Author
I spent my school life in a girls’ boarding-school specialising in classical ballet and on leaving I danced professionally, touring Europe, for 4 years. After that, I ran my own ballet school in Athens, Greece and simultaneously volunteered as a veterinary nurse, as my love of animals is the driving force in my life. I returned to England with my horse and my cat, and now live on a smallholding in Shropshire with my husband, various farm animals and a constant stream of pets.
I started writing while in Greece and on my return to England I wrote two children’s books. But my new life, caring for Highland Cattle, sheep, hens and pets, coupled with extensive global travel, meant that writing for publication took a back seat. I continued my love of writing with a daily journal and amusing travel blogs of each trip.
I am now writing full time and TALLY AND THE ANGEL, book one India, is the first of the series of the same name. Book Two takes place in Canada, in North Yukon and the third in Japan. I intend them to have adventures in Greece, Egypt, Peru, Africa – anywhere I have been, really.
THE GRACEFUL GHOST is the first in the series The Amberwood Hall Ballet School. It draws on my own experiences in ballet-boarding-school and my early teenage life, including divorced parents and a father who ‘took the dog’. It is a story that has lived with me for many years, and after many, many drafts, I have finally released her into the wild! The second book, released on 23rd September 2021, is called BALLET SCHOOL BOYS. October will see the launch of a novella, The Ghosts of Amberwood.